Brampton Magician

Top Performer & Entertainer In Brampton

Corporate Event, Wedding OR Birthday Party Entertainment

Why magic is a great form of entertainment?

Magic is a hugely popular form of entertainment. Why? Because we're all kids at heart!

The joy of magic is its versatility and universal appeal. A Brampton magician's skills are just as popular at a ten year old's birthday party as they are at a night club for twenty year olds - or at a retirement celebration for sixty year olds!

No matter our age, we love to be amazed and enthralled... to wonder how the magician did it,.. to try and figure out their process (mostly unsuccessfully) but generally just to sit back and enjoy the theatre of this mystical profession.

And it is a profession.. contrary to some peoples beliefs.

When Brampton magician and mentalist, Johnte Black, is not delivering his world-class performances, he's studying, creating and practicing new material - and being inspired by other professional magicians from all over the globe. This is not a role (being a magician) for someone who likes to coast or stagnate. Good magicians are constantly growing and developing their knowledge and skills - and that is why Johnte Black is the most sought-after magician and mentalist in the Brampton and Greater Toronto area.

Magician or Mentalist? What is the difference?

Brampton magicians and mentalists create frameworks, or stories, through which they demonstrate their skills. Brampton magicians engage with an audience to suspend disbelief. As audience members, we know that the magician didn't really saw a lady in half - but we are happy to go along for the ride! We know it's an illusion but we love the exciting journey!

Brampton mentalists, on the other hand, seek to extend the belief of the audience. They work with “supernatural” abilities' that some audience members may consider to be possible, if somewhat improbable, and others think is impossible. Abilities like telepathy, suggestion, clairvoyance and other psychic powers. Both magicians and mentalists create illusions - but mentalists aim to craft illusions that leave the audience wondering - HOW? - long after the show has finished.

Johnte Black (Brampton’s top magician) is highly experienced in both art forms and, dependent on your preferences, can deliver a performance that leans more to one skill set or the other or, alternatively, incorporates both.

Why you need a Brampton magician for your birthday party

Birthday parties are personal events. They can take place at a venue, but, more often than not, they take place at home. Some people feel uncomfortable with the thought of inviting a performer to their home. Don't! As long as a magician has a willing audience - the magic will happen!

Imagine this scenario...

Your friends are mingling, sipping cool drinks and chatting….. then Johnte joins a group of people. He's funny, personable and immediately puts people at ease. Without making a big deal, he starts performing small tricks for this group. They're enchanted... in awe. Who is this guy? Other birthday guests get distracted from their conversations by the gasps and laughter coming from Johnte's group. They wander over...

Get the idea? Curiosity is part of the human condition! Johnte's personality and love of entertaining will soon have all your guests jostling for a better view.

Johnte can custom-deliver whichever type of performance you desire. Informal mingling, as outlined above, even 'incognito' and forever known as 'that amazing guy at Emma's party'! Alternatively, he can deliver a more formal performance on a make-shift stage or on your tricked out backyard deck with the dog wandering by to see what's going on! Whichever format the performance takes, this energetic and experienced entertainer will have your guests talking about your party years after the event.

Johnte has a huge range of entertaining material that is ideal for birthday parties, both formal and informal, and if the birthday boy or girl has some secret wishes or desires, be sure to let him know so that he can customize his material to make their day truly special!

Why you need a Brampton magician for your corporate event

Corporate events can be boring. Let's face it! The novelty of the free food and drinks soon wears off when you've got to stay awake during six speeches on company productivity and tax benefits. The organizers of these events know this and always punctuate the evening with bouts of entertainment.

Whether it's mingling with guests during pre-dinner drinks or performing a formal show on stage, Brampton magicians and mentalists are the perfect solution for keeping guests alert and stimulated during the driest of corporate events!

Johnte's skills lie not just in performing his breath-taking magic and perfect illusions, his extensive repertoire of comedic banter will keep your guests laughing and entertained just as much as his sleight of hand dazzles them. Magic and comedy is the perfect combination of skills to add pizzazz to any corporate event.

Why you need a Brampton magician for your wedding

Weddings are already magical occasions, so is more magic really needed?

If we think about our experiences of weddings, what are the things that stand out most in our memories, years later? The wedding that was held in a fantastic venue? Or the great band that you boogied the night away to? Or perhaps it was the delicious food that got your attention?

For the majority of people, it's the speeches; and particularly the funny speeches. People love to laugh... period.

Personal speeches from loved ones, revealing embarrassing secrets, are an irreplaceable and much-loved ritual at weddings. However, not everyone is a natural comedian and weddings can often be long affairs stretching from early afternoon until late evening.

If your guests are flagging before the band has even arrived, an injection of mind-blowing magic and comedic banter will reinvigorate them and have them energized and ready to boogie the night away! Your wedding is going to be memorable no matter what, but, adding first-class entertainment, that's been specially personalized for the bride and groom, will turn memorable into spectacular!

Why you need a Brampton magician or mentalist for every event!

No matter what the celebration, magic is unfailingly popular with every age group and demographic! Whether it's a children's party, a Christmas party, the launch of a restaurant or a bachelorette party or crazy night out, this exciting art form never fails to deliver and delight. Johnte takes personal pleasure in ensuring that his material is expertly customized to suit every occasion; from innocent and charming party tricks to adult material and comedic banter to keep a mature audience truly entertained!

How to find a good magician / mentalist

A professional magician and/or mentalist will always have a great website. Visit their website and read the testimonials left by audience members, clients and promoters. This is a great way to start your research. In addition, visit their social media pages to read comments and feedback and to get a feel for the performer and the type of things he/she posts or performs online. Johnte can provide numerous testimonials to back up his popularity as a hugely sought-after and respected performer.

The website, or social media page, may also contain clips or links to Youtube videos where you can watch the magician in action to get a feel for his/her style and see how they interact and engage with the audience. Alternatively, you can request clips from the magician if they are not available online. It's important that you like the talent you want to hire. If his/her style or personality doesn't gel with you, then move onto the next one! Johnte encourages all of his potential clients to watch him in action. His flawless stage skills, personality and charisma speak for themselves. Please don't hesitate to contact Johnte if you would like to receive clips of his performances.

Whilst your initial communication may be by email, it's important to talk directly to the magician you want to hire. You need to get a personal feel for their character and personality. After all, you may be considering this person for one of the most important days of your life! Johnte is always happy and willing to meet in person (when possible) for an informal (or formal) chat or alternatively online via Skype or other apps.

If a magician has performed at well-known or prestigious venues, or at VIP events, they will definitely advertise that fact on their website. Be sure to take a look at which shows they have performed at and take notes. Talent is, of course, very important but so is reliability, professionalism and ethics. There is absolutely nothing wrong with contacting these venues or promoters and asking for a review of the magician's performance. Ask them directly whether they would recommend this magician? Are they reliable? Do they turn up on time? Do they dress smartly for the role? Do they deliver the service as promised and leave the audience wanting more!. Johnte can provide a list of very satisfied venue operators and promoters who would be happy to speak to you and answer any questions.

A professional Brampton magician, whose income is based on good word-of-mouth, will not jeopardize his income stream by performing below par. Johnte's career as a professional Brampton magician and mentalist is his passion and pride. His aim is to always exceed his clients’ and audience's expectations. With Johnte Black you are in safe hands!

Johnte is based in Ontario (his location is a mystery to all) and he operates in the Brampton and Greater Toronto area, or anywhere in the globe where a professional, charismatic and masterful magician or mentalist is required!

Let Johnte Black enhance your special event... transforming the memorable into the unforgettable!