Corporate Entertainment
Perfect Corporate Entertainer & Gift To Your AUDIENCE or Guests.
“I am thankful every single day of my life - because I make people smile and have tons of fun for a living” - Johnte Black (Corporate Entertainer)
Magic - The most unique form of corporate entertainment on the planet. Please call us to prove us wrong or let us know of a more unique form of corporate entertainment That exists in today’s world.
Have you ever thought about hiring a magician as the main form of entertainment for your corporate event? If you have, awesome - because we have the perfect corporate entertainer for you. Hint hint, his name is the web address of the website you are currently on. If you have not, you are in for a treat.
As a dual practice and multi performance arts entertainer (awesome magician and speaker combination), Johnte Black is the best corporate entertainer that you can hire (as corporate entertainment) for your corporate event (product launch, party, conference, etc.). And, a magic performance by Johnte Black is the best and most entertaining form of corporate entertainment that you can provide to your guests. Johnte Black offers a cool and interesting form of corporate entertainment that circus acts, famous comedians and musicians, impersonators, and even technology-based (non-human) forms of corporate entertainment do not offer. Johnte Black will give your guests a unique and magical (corporate entertainment) experience - with MAGIC.
Through listening to your corporate entertainment needs (and event needs) and using the information that you provide, Johnte Black is able to tailor-make a magic show for your event. This means that the corporate entertainment option or show that Johnte brings forth to you and your team will be specifically for your event. That is why Johnte Black is special as a corporate entertainer and why magic is awesome as a corporate entertainment option - because it offers extreme variety and options that make every show or option unique to you. Johnte Black can experiment with different tricks, trick orderings, openers, closers, and audience participation segments to meet your requirements and make your show and event special. You are not restricted like you are with DJs, musicians, acrobats, and more that are limited in what they can offer you and how unique your show will be in comparison to other shows they have done in the past.
Because Johnte Black listens attentively and closely to you (to pinpoint your exact corporate entertainment needs), he is able to customize his show or performance offering to your specific needs - and your guests. This level of customization is special in itself and makes magic the best form of corporate entertainment that you can employ to entertain your guests. Johnte will sit down with you to pick tricks, the order of the tricks, and more to make sure his show fits the tastes of your audience - and ultimately blows guests (and you) away. This level of personalization and customization is unheard of with other types of corporate entertainment options.
Book Top Corporate Entertainer Johnte Black Today!
If you are looking for a corporate entertainment option and corporate entertainer that will be fun and engaging for everyone, you have hit the jackpot. With Johnte Black, there is an endless list of corporate entertainment options and offerings that make tailoring a solution for your corporate event a piece of cake. Call now to inquire about your event date and Johnte Blacks’ availability for your corporate event.
A message from the world-class corporate entertainer himself.
“Corporate entertainment in general - providing joy, laughter, and fun to guests at corporate events is one of my passions and favourite things to do as a full-service entertainer. From comedic magic to keynote magic, I can provide you a whole host of corporate entertainment options - tailored to your team, organization, and specific needs.”
“Corporate entertainment and making you, your employees or colleagues smile is my passion and command.”
My first experience of watching live entertainment was actually at a corporate event - when I was 18. I had just arrived at university and knew almost nobody at the event. But when this entertainer came on, he managed to really ease the crowd and build a feeling of belonging inside or scared students like me - in no time. He put on a great show and had the whole crowd going crazy. The entertainer was a magician. And, to be honest, I could perform most of the tricks he did - but I still felt like we were in different leagues. He was a true corporate entertainer (one that I admired a lot at the time) and this challenged me to rethink my thoughts on magic performance delivery. I saw firsthand how he managed to remove all the anxiety and stress in the air and bring the crowd closer. For a brief moment, everyone there forgot that they were hundreds (or thousands) of miles away from home - and were surrounded by strangers.
Whilst a regular entertainer could go up and perform the same songs, acts, and other cool things that people have seen before and dazzle - the same vibes just are not there. There’s a difference between a musician performing songs and an expert stage magician performing an act that was custom-built and created specifically for a crowd. A stage magician’s performance is much better and offers the chance for certain emotions and feelings like a sense of belongingness and a sense of achievement to be created - and activities such as rapport and team building to flow and occur naturally.
Corporate events and corporate entertainment are often huge beasts (that can be tough to slay for amateur corporate entertainers) - and can be overwhelming. But, ever since I fell in love with seeing the beautiful people and awesome individuals within a company or at an orientation week at a University bond over a magic performance by me - I have been hooked and can’t be torn from performing at corporate events.
Corporate entertainment for me is more than just performing, it’s about creating emotions and memories that can bring a company, group of people, or a crowd of strangers closer together. I love performing at corporate events because I always feel and know that when it is all said and done - I made a difference in the lives of the awesome people that make up and drive the amazing companies I perform at (for). The joys of seeing people happy, and sharing my gift and passion of bringing people together manifest themselves perfectly at corporate events. Some of my favorite moments as a performer include me seeing (with my own two eyes) sometimes unconnected bosses and employees bond and build a deeper relationship. And, moments like these are not just beautiful, they are vital for helping the mental health of individuals within a company structure - and for helping people feel like a part of organizations (and not just another means to an end). Trust me, when the employees are just as invested in the success of the company as you, success is not only coming - but is also guaranteed.
Any master close-up magician knows the importance of building rapport and relationships. I have learned that this needs to be amplified during corporate events. Corporate entertainment gigs are tough because audience members have extremely stressful lives, the workweek never seems to end so every second at the office or on the clock is a drag, and the stress of always trying to impress at a job can drain the life out of most. I found that corporate entertainment can actually change an employee’s perspective (regardless of job title or position in the company hierarchy). By building rapport with your employees or colleagues, I can help them realize the bigger picture in order to stop them from thinking of their job as just a 9-5 that pays the bills. They are important members of the company, and the job is more than just a paycheque.
I invite you to experience a teaser of one of my corporate entertainment offerings - it will blow you away.
Johnte Black (Corporate Entertainment Provider & Superstar Performer)
Help your colleagues, guests, clients, or partners feel like a part of your family - hire Johnte Black for corporate entertainment today.